My life seems like it's been moving at hyper speed these day! Going straight from my summer school finals, back home to dear ol' Los Angeles, then off to LAX to jet away to the beautiful island of Kauai in Hawaii... I haven't had much time to shell out as many blogs as I used to. My apologies! :) But I suppose reassurance comes in the form of the just under 1,000 photos I was able to capture in America's very own tropical getaway! And I promise I'll try to display Kauai in all its majesty to the best of my abilities. As I sift through the abundant products of my incessant shutter clicks from the past week, here are a few shots that were particularly close to my heart and required a bit of meticulous scouting.
15 years in the making, and my love affair with this majestic island of Kauai is still going strong! I guess you can say I've changed a bit since then, but my fascination with natural wonders has remained intact and has only grown over the years! The second time around brought back so many memories! I caught myself reeling through childhood flashbacks all around the island. What a time trip! I've got tons more to show, though it might take a little while for me to narrow down the bunch. But I swear, it won't take quite as long as 15 years ;)
this is so amazingly beautiful! <3