So, if my absence from the e-world is any indication, I've been quite the busy bee this quarter! One of my many recent labors of love include the co-creation of a student run spoken word group at UCSB known as Lip Bomb! Last quarter, a bunch of aspiring writers and performers took Kip Fulbeck's The Art of Spoken Word class on campus and soon fell in love with the art--myself including! With help from our lovely sponsors: Life of the Party (we gaucho back!), UCSB CommUnity Grants, and URC Interfaith Fund, we were able to put on our very first student run show--Wizard Of Balls!
Our title Wizard Of Balls is a playful reference to the Wizard Of Oz, but with a slight twist. Essentially, it describes our group's growth from newcomers to the art spoken word, to becoming members of Lip Bomb. Some of the pieces in the show discuss a desire to acquire "courage fruit", in other words--grow a pair. Along with a few other silly ball-references, we also address topics including gender norms, self-confidence, love and loss, and an artists' biggest fear...writer's block. Come early to grab a seat and some ball-shaped snacks, before they run out!
Lions and Tigers and Balls, OH MY!
We've all been scared before, worried, wondering, "Where are my balls?" Well, we were thinking the exact same thing. Come along on our journey down the yellow brick road in search of our courage fruit.
Come one, come all to Wizard of Balls: A Night Of Spoken Word!
Friday, March 9th at 7:30pm in Theater & Dance 1701.
Performances brought to you by Lip Bomb, the new spoken word student group on campus, who previously brought to you STRICTLY ORAL: A Night of Spoken Word.
Take a Friday night off to attend this FREE event sponsored by Life of the Party, UCSB CommUnity Grants and the URC Interfaith Fund! Come early for FREE food and FREE entertainment.... what else could you ask for (besides a brain, a heart, some courage or a way home)? Take a break from end-of-the-quarter stress and give yourself a much deserved treat!
Featuring performances by:
Alex Sicaud
Chanel Miller
Demi Anter
Desmond Wilder
Gabrielle Dimaranan
Jacks Marie
Mel Rosenberg
Molly Goldman
Roxi Diaz
Ryan Yamamoto
Can you figure out which poster goes with which ballsy character from The Wizard Of Oz?
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